{Bethany Beach, Delaware Family Photographer}

I met Maria 6ish years ago on a now defunct photography forum. I was sad to see it die, because I owe so much of my photography progress to that site! But anyway, we “met” online and somehow realized that she was going to vacation in Bethany Beach, where I offer sessions over the summer. A few years ago, we did photo swaps, which was a great way for me to actually be in some pictures! It has been a couple years since I’ve seen her and her family, so I was very excited when she asked me to do a session for her and her good friends who were coming on vacation with them. We had a beautiful night, and I love how their pictures turned out. The kids were all great! I always tell parents that I don’t expect (or want) children to sit still and smile. I love when they act silly and play. Those are the best pictures! Yes, a few shots of everyone looking and smiling are great, but my favorites are always the ones of everyone laughing, or telling jokes, hanging on the lifeguard chair. I love seeing their silly personalities!

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