{Carroll County Family Photography} The F Family

It was an amazing, super busy summer, but now it’s time to start getting ready for the always crazy fall season! Fall is such a great time to get portraits taken. The weather is usually great, the colors gorgeous, and it’s always nice to have an updated picture in time for Holiday Cards.

I’ve known the Flemings for a long time! I met Andrea back when I was teaching (that feels like another lifetime…she was actually my long term sub while I was on maternity leave!) and I have loved watching their family grow. They are such a great family! I first photographed them when the twins were just 6 months old and have lost track of how many sessions I’ve done for them since. We’ve done several of their sessions at the Howard County Conservancy. It’s always been one of my favorite spots, from way back before I was even in business, when I was just photographing my own kids! I feel confident there, I know the different spots I like, I know the light.

One of my favorite things about this business is the relationships I’ve built with my clients and their families. A large percentage of my clients each year are repeats (in 2018 I think it was about 70% were repeat clients!). While I love meeting new families and starting new client relationships, I always love when I get to see families year after year (or sometimes multiple times within the same year!). Every new client I meet, I hope becomes one of these families that I get to see grow!


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