{Ellicott City, Maryland Family Photographer} Apple Farm Sessions

Back in 2016, I had to last minute cancel an extended family beach session for this family. It was the first time they had contacted me, and I felt awful about it. My then 20 month old was sick and ended up in the hospital for several days. I very rarely have to cancel on clients (reschedule due to weather, sure, but outright cancel for personal issues, almost never!), and absolutely hate when it comes to that! I especially know how difficult it can be to get extended families together. However, of course I needed to be with my baby! Thankfully, they were incredibly understanding and have come to me several times since then (and are on the books for another try at an extended family beach session for 2020!).

These kids are always entertaining, and I’m always laughing throughout their sessions. They have so much personality, and I love how their moms let them be themselves. I always try to make sure my clients know that I do not expect, nor want, their kids to sit and stiffly smile during their sessions. I want true interaction, true smiles, laughs, and even silly faces. When you look back at these pictures when your children are grown, you’ll want to see their true selves, their real personalities. You’ll want to remember how much they adored their baby brother, even if they aren’t looking at me and smiling. You’ll want to remember when your 4 year old was in her bunny ears phase, and your 2 year old in his silly face making phase. Of course, I always try to get at least a few picture of everyone looking and smiling, but my favorites are always the ones of everyone interacting, looking at each other, laughing, having fun. I think you’ll see that if you go to my Instagram page, Facebook page, or peruse my portfolio on my website. So please, don’t scold your kids for not sitting and smiling during our session. While I understand the frustration when you’re paying for pictures and your children are less than cooperative, please trust that I can capture some great shots of your child’s personality!


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