Ocean City Summer Countdown

Well, I made it to February before I started the official countdown to summer. The summer of 2019 was my busiest year yet, and I can’t wait to get underway with planning for summer 2020! If you have your vacation planned to Ocean City, Fenwick Island, or Bethany Beach, please contact me soon so we can get you on the calendar!

Not only was last summer my busiest beach season yet, but I had more new clients than ever before. I have an amazing base of clients who come back to me year after year, both at home and for beach sessions, but I was thrilled to get to add to that list last year. This family was one of them! We have a lot of mutual friends, and live relatively close to each other at home, but I hadn’t met them before.

Funny story, I was about 20 minutes late to meet them, because I showed up at the wrong location. I always try to allow for some wiggle room with timing, thankfully, and once I realized I was in the wrong spot, I ran like a crazy person back to my car and made it with just enough time to catch that beautiful sunset light. And, in fact, I think this session was my best lit beach session of the year. The last 30 minutes of light before the sun goes down are always the best on the beach, and this was one of my favorite sessions of the summer!

Their outfits were perfect (I’m definitely linking summer 2020 clients who need outfit inspiration to this post!), the beach was beautiful and nearly empty, the ocean was perfect, there was just the right amount of breeze, and of course, the family was beautiful! I’ll be honest, you never know what you’re going to get with toddlers (especially two boy toddlers!), but these two were great. Yes, we ended up with a lot of candids and action shots, but isn’t that what life with toddlers is? I love the running around pictures, the laughing, the hugs and kisses.

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