Stinky Beach

When it’s cold outside, I think about how much I can’t wait for beach sessions. When it starts to warm up, I think about how much I can’t wait for beach sessions. It’s an unseasonably warm day for March 2, and it has me itching to get back outside! I am so excited for the weather to be consistently nice again. I’ll be honest, March is probably my least favorite month. It seems like it goes on FOREVER, there’s nothing to break it up, and, while there are always a few nice days, it feels that much more terrible when the temperatures take a dive again…or worse, when it snows. Snow in December is beautiful and Christmas-y, snow in January and February, ok, it’s winter, snow in March is just annoying.

Anyway, back to another one of my favorite sessions from last summer! In summer 2018, I shot their session by the boardwalk (see it here), which I loved! There’s something so Ocean City about getting the boardwalk in the background, the rides in the distance. It was a little tough getting shots without a ton of people in the background, but not too bad. But this year Amanda suggested a new spot. While I have been there as a kid, it had been years since I visited, and never for a session. Stinky Beach (which is technically called Homer Gudelsky Park) is a beautiful spot on the bay. Parking is a bit tough there, but it’s so gorgeous, and best of all, the light was perfect! I literally could have shared every single picture in their gallery. I loved them all. I narrowed it down…somewhat.

If you’re going to be in Ocean City, Fenwick Island, or Bethany Beach this summer and would like to book a summer session with me, please contact me at or click the contact tab on my website.



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