Extended families

I know there are a lot of people who will disagree with me here, but I haven’t hated our virtually snow-free winter. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate a cozy snow with a couple inches, enough for the kids to play in for a day or two. But I’m thrilled we didn’t get a huge snowstorm where school’s out for a week, it’s too much for the kids to play in, roads are a disaster, everyone is cooped up, ready to lose our minds. Though I guess we aren’t quite out of the woods yet, weather-wise. I’m hopeful we’ll make it through the winter without having to use all our snow days, or at least not having to add on to the end of the school year!

I don’t want it to seem like I’m wishing time away, but I hate being cold. Today has been especially difficult for me for some reason. I just can’t seem to warm up. So I’m taking it back to the summer to blog about my beach sessions!

I shoot a lot of extended family sessions at the beach. Many families vacation together with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. It’s a time when everyone is together in a (hopefully!) relaxed state of mind. Getting a shot of all the grandkids together is always a hit with grandparents, and it also allows for each family to update their own pictures.

These grandparents were celebrating their 50th anniversary, and I was so happy we were able to get their session done. Weather on the beach is not always super cooperative. When you have that cotton candy sunset sky, the soft blue ocean, a gentle breeze, it’s beautiful, but unfortunately the conditions may not always be like that! This particular evening was pretty windy, but due to travel plans of some family members, this was our only shot, so we made it work, and I think their session came out beautifully!


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